Thursday, October 8, 2009


S a a R a L

This society is a group of young enthusiastic folk working to help downtrodden of our society. The society is situated in Chennai and driven by Mrs Alekhya and Maniventhan. Most of the members are working in IT companies. They visit old age homes, orphanages and similar kind of trusts. They helped those in any form like daily needs of those homes means toiletry, stationary, meals or in form of currency. They visit mostly on sundays and spend their whole time there.

I feel regret that i am a passive member of this society.

This is one of the best way to payback our dues towards the society.

Pardada Pardadi Educational Society

Here is another society which works for the upliftment of girls belonged to a poorer family. Pardada - Pardadi (Grand Grand Father - Grand Grand Mother) Educational Society help those poor girls to being an independent in their coming life by giving them free education upto 12th standard and after that sponsor those girls to pursue some vocational courses or higher education. PPES is situated in Anupshahar village of Bulandshahr district of Uttar Pradesh.

Here is their URL

We need to encourage such type of societies to make a better India tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


खानाबदोश - इस शब्द का उपयोग उन लोगो के लिए किया जाता है जिनके पास एक स्थायी घर नही होता। ऐसे लोग अपनी आजीविका की तलाश में एक स्थान से दूसरे स्थान पर विचरण करते हैं।

सभ्यताओं के विकास के समय मनुष्य नदियों के किनारे रहा करते थे क्यूंकि पानी से वह अपनी रोजमर्रा की जरूरतों को पूरा किया करते थे। वह स्थान खेती के लिए भी उपयुक्त था और उनके मवेशियों को चारा भी आसानी से उपलब्ध हो जाता था।

एक व्यक्ति अपने परिवार के साथ फुटपाथ के किनारे बने झोपडे में रहता है। वह और उसकी पत्नी एक छोटा सा ढाबा सड़क किनारे ही चलाते हैं। उनका छोटा बेटा खाना परोसता है और उनकी बेटी बर्तन धोती है। पूरा परिवार अपने सामूहिक योगदान से जीविका चला रहा है। लेकिन अब सरकार उन्हें विस्थापित करना चाहती है। उस देश में एक अंतरराष्ट्रीय आयोजन होने जा रहा है और सरकार अपने समाज के उस निचले तबके के दर्शन विदेशियों को नही कराना चाहती। वो किसी छोटे शहर की तरफ़ कूच करने वाले हैं।

एक बहुमंजिल्ला ईमारत बनकर तैयार होने वाली थी। और उस ईमारत के पास कच्ची ईंट और मिट्टी के बने मकान धीरे - धीरे वीरान हो रहे थे। एक तरफ़ तो आशियाना आकार ले रहा था और दूसरी तरफ़ किसी का उजड़ रहा था। क्यूंकि अब उन मजदूरों की जरूरत कम होती जा रही थी और उन्हें अपना पेट पालने के लिए किसी दूसरे स्थान या शहर का दामन थामना था।

एक इंजिनियर ने अपने देश के सर्वोत्तम संस्थान से पढ़ाई पूरी की और फिर वो विदेश चला गया। उसे बहुत अच्छा पद और उमदे वेतन की पेशकश की गई थी।

एक प्रबंधन प्रशिक्षु को एक अंतर्राष्ट्रीय बैंक का प्रस्ताव मिला और वह भी अपनी माटी के लिए अप्रवासी हो गया।

एक प्रशासनिक सेवा के अधिकारी ने अपनी नौकरी से इस्तीफा दे दिया। उन्हें एक विदेशी संस्थान में ऊँचे पद की पेशकश की गई जहाँ वो अपने प्रशासनिक अनुभव का उपयोग करके उसकी विभिन शाखाओ के प्रबंधन की खामियां दूर कर सके।

PS : Picture is taken from internet.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Indian Girl Story

बहुत समय बाद एक दम्पति के घर में खुशियाँ आई, एक शिशु के रूप में। उस दम्पति को तो जैसे जीवन जीने का एक सहारा मिल गया। साथ ही अब वो अपने रिश्तेदारों के चुभने वाले प्रश्नों के जवाब भी दे सकते थे। भारत में अगर आप समाज के साथ न चले या आपका जीवन बहुत से उतार-चढाव से गुजरे तो समझ लीजिये की आपके
नाते - रिश्तेदार आपको ये हर पल याद दिलाते रहेंगे की आप एक असामान्य जीवन जी रहे हैं। भले ही आपके लिए वो एक जीवन की सच्चाई हो और आप उस कड़वे सच की आदत डाल ले लेकिन भारतीय समाज अपनी भारतीयता को कैसे त्याग सकता है।
हम फिर से उस दम्पति के परिवार की कहानी शुरु करते हैं - वो शिशु एक बालिका के रूप में विकसित होने लगी। उसके माता-पिता न कभी भी उसकी परवरिश एक बिटिया समझ के नही की । ये बात परिवार के बुजुर्गो को अखरती थी। उस दम्पति न अपनी बिटिया का नाम "आदर्श" रखा। वो तो जैसे समाज से विद्रोह का मन बना चुके थे ।
धीरे धीरे आदर्श एक युवती के रूप में ढलने लगी लेकिन उसके अंदर पुरुषत्व की भी कमी नही थी। वह खेल कूद, शिक्षा, संगीत में तो आगे थी ही समय पड़ने पर वो अपने दोस्तों की मदद करने से भी पीछे नही हटती थी। आदर्श को आत्मसम्मान से जीने की कला अपने परिवार से मिली जहाँ उसके माता-पिता ही उसके शिक्षक थे। उन्होंने उसे आत्मनिर्भर बनने मे पूरा योगदान दिया।
आदर्श भी अपनी जिम्मेदारियों को बखूबी समझती थी। वो ये जानती थी की एक आत्मनिर्भर व्यक्ति ही एक आत्मनिर्भर राष्ट्र की बुनियाद रख सकता है। हमारे समाज को आज आदर्श जैसी युवतियों की दरकार है। एक सफल युवती ही एक सफल परिवार और अंत मे एक सफल समाज की बुनियाद रख सकती है।
हमे उनका सम्मान करने के साथ साथ उन्हें आगे बढ़ने के अवसर प्रदान करने चाहिए क्योंकि आधे समाज का अपमान करके कोई समाज उन्नति नही कर सकता।

PS : Picture is taken from Internet.

Monday, August 17, 2009

I wish to be a GIRL

I wish to be a girl!!!

I want to be the part of that half world which always raised their voice against discrimination
throughout their life.
How it seems when someone arrive on this earth with a tag of "Girl" which are considered as a
second entity in this men dominated world.
What i feel when i am the most vulnerable entity, easily persuaded.

From the day one when i opened my eyes in this world
I want to feel my parents anxiety that how i compete in this world because i am a GIRL.

I want to feel my mother's love, the devotion i learned from my mom.
She gives me the more of her abilities, never ever feels me deprived but i know that
she also suffers in this world. She never say anything but the language of eyes are above all.

Only as a girl i can feel all that emotions which she wants to express but she also knows
that as the time passed i learned all those things even circumstances taught me those lessons.

I wish to be a girl!!!

As the time passed i feel to be a teenager. Whereever i go i make peoples happy but wait i also
feel that they wants to touch me (side-effect of a girl).
I have more knowledge about colors, feelings, art as of boys and always praised for my work. Mom guides me always what should i do and what i don't.

As the time passes i am growing physically ,intellectually and morally. I learned that society
expects sacrifice at every stage. Even Sacrifice is synonyms to Women.
I face verbal as well as non-verbal violence against me. Whenever i go outside of my home dozen
of staring eyes are remain with me throughout my way. I am getting habitual of all that but scared that if someone crossed their limit then what i do?

I wish to be a girl!!!

If i talk to many boys then they called me Prostitute but if they talked to multiple girls then
it's their smartness.
Since now i am growing as a young lady so my parents are worried about
my marriage. Society don't expect that a lady can survive alone in this world. So they wants
a bodyguard for a girl.
When i am child, my father acts like that, upto my marriage my younger brother guards me, after my marriage my husband guards me. If i get a son then he also guards me. So i have guards throughout my life still i am easily vulnerable at every stage of my life.

After marriage, my responsibilities increased multiple times. Now everyone wants sacrifice even
my second life started with my wedding. Everyone tells me how to do things, how to behave with

The most important lesson taught by my mother is that i should remain cheerful as everyone expects compromise by my side without raising my voice.

When i am pregnant, they wants me to drop my baby because another girl is growing inside me. I protest. Because i want to change the future. I want to change the tradition.

I want to feel all that.
I wish to be a girl!!!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Meerut: A Dark Side

Another kidnapping case is closed by the kidnappers. They killed Akshay, the boy who is kidnapped around one week before. He was studying in 10th std. Police can't find him and just searching anonymously.

Police's clue is the owner of that SIM which is used by the kidnappers. How poor our police, when they find that the SIM was brought on fake ID!!!

In India, one can easily get a SIM whether or not he or she has a valid ID-Proof. In this manner our Telecom majors proud of their increasing customer base and boasts that they are the no.1.

In most of the cases this happend usually. Our police force can't find a clue about those hooligans. They just depend upon their survillance system which are of years old. In this manner, how they compete with internal security threats?

In Meerut, the condition of Law and Order is very poor. Police force is attentive to find Truck drivers to raise money but their performance is zero in these challenging cases. Chain snaching, robbery, kidnapping and murdering are general events in Meerut. Well Meerut is not that unsafe, but it requires a lot of improvement so that those kind of cases can't happened again.
One of the reason is that all senior officers are transferred from one city to another in less than a month. In this manner, how they deal with the local requirements of a city?

The boy is from a rich family having all comforts but the same is the reason of his death. Kidnappers want money and they already threaten to family about the worse that happened. Just becuase the kidnappers can't get money they ended his life. There is no role of that boy. He was the only boy in his family. Why his family believed that police can find him?
My Blessings for that family.

Money is above the life of a person?

Monsoon Rain : Part - 2

Monsoon is blessing for us because we have facilities to face that but for those who are living on streets or on platforms or somehow adjust themself on dividers to pass a day or night in some public place its a curse.

Those peoples are the other face of our society. Government can't show-off those against the progressive face of our country. I have doubt that Government count those in Populaiton Index.

Simple rule : If we benefitted others anyhow then they praised us otherwise none like to shake hand with us.

Those unlucky peoples can't help our government in any manner, so there is no scheme for those by the goverment.

Each year Budget produces in Parliament, various schemes launched to increase our GDP (Gross Domestic Product) but not a single scheme is launched for those.

Even at state level, our respected CM's investing money to their own Statue's, they think that people praise those sculpture's as a great artistic work. But i have doubt, may be they said: Look at the statue, that person just wasting money on unnecessary Art-Work. He can't make our life easier. Why we vote to those selfish person's ?

A state where peoples living standard is very low, a major population is struggling to remain alive. They wants food, a house and some work to meet their abilities not those monuments.

Let's pray to God for the benefit of those and for our Political leaders that they see outside of their bullet-proof cars that another India is lying there.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Mirror For Indian Society

A bench of Chief Justice Ajit Prakash Shah and Justice S. Muralidhar said that
if not amended, Section 377 of the IPC would violate Article 21 of the Indian constitution,
which states that every citizen has equal opportunity of life and is equal before law.
Section 377,
a law from the British Raj era says homosexuality and 'unnatural sex' is a criminal act

In this manner Delhi High-Court legalize homosexuality.
The decision is not welcomed by Religious Communities and some self advertised moral characters of our human society.

But its a late decision to came out which should be welcomed by all whether they agreed or not.
Benefits of this decision are in our favours which are given below:

1. Our country's population increases by leaps and bounds. Governments slogan for family planning We Two, Our Two flops. They can't implement China Policies.
So now they promote peoples to go for Homosexual Weddings. In this manner either theygo to adopt childs or living without childs. Everyone cant afford test-tube babies so population digits controlled.

2. The decision is praised in North India specially in Punjab and Haryana where sex ratio decreases drastically. So the unmarried mens favoured this decision and establish a Dostana. There is no need to worry about wifes.

3. The decision is also welcomed by those girls who belongs from poor families and cant afford the costly weddings. So they lived with each other and passes a happy married life without fearing for dowry demands.
You can see that just one decision can provide solution to various problems.

Government should make appropriate changes in constitution to officially accept Homosexuality.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

First Rain Of This Monsoon

Finally neglecting the forecast of India Meteorological Department (IMD) Monsoon is coming in its full swing in Northern India specially in North UP.
All West UP districts like Meerut, Baghpat, Bijnore, Mujjafarnagar and Saharanpurare covered by this monsoon. Now the farmers are happily prepare their lands for crops. This is the divine beauty that just a day-before the temperature is around 42-43 *C. Weather pundits extract their own conclusions.
Also the IMD says that monsoon delayed in those areas which spread unhappiness in rural areas of West UP. But once again nature proves its supremacy over us and happiness came across farmers faces.
But government should seriously adopt some path to overcome the dependency of our agriculture on monsoon rain. Joining of all rivers was a good idea of NDA government. It lowers the chances of flood in one region due to heavy rainfall while the other part is affected by drouth.
Actually its a yearly event that by the end of june all are praying for a good monsoon. All have their own reasons like farmers want to cultivate their lands for next seasonal crops, commonpeoples want to free from the hottier season which retain the shortage of electricity, childrens want to float paper-boats, trees wants to change themselfs by adopting new leaves, twigs, fruits and flowers.
So the change is welcomed by all.

Friday, June 12, 2009

On the way from Noida to Meerut

The people of Meerut thanked to themselfs that they have an industrial city just 45km apart. Meerut is an educational hub having a dozen engineering colleges.A lot of them got jobs in Noida Industries.

They can easily up-down from there office to home daily. Despite of PG and rented rooms where 2 or 3 person shared easily some prefer to came office through their home.

Afterall we get mummy's food there and also a relax of coming home. Otherwise wait till weekend and running with their luggage on friday evenings.

We can go through Noida to Meerut via-Mohan Nagar or via-Ghaziabad. It will take around 2:30 hours on one side.

Via-Mohan Nagar you have 3 options UP roadways buses, private chartered buses and Cabs. They all are going upto Roadways Bus Station. Their fares are Rs 27, Rs 25 and Rs 30. New AC buses are also giving their services from June onwards in just Rs 70 from Meerut to Sector-37 Noida while Yellow Line claim Rs 38 with natural air all the way.

In the Morning, AC Bus starts @ 6:30am from Meerut Bus Stand while Yellow Line Starts @ 7am, 7:20-7:30am and another one @ 8am.

In the Evening, Yellow Line are in Hurry :) so they leave Noida Depo @ 5 pm and @ 5:30 pm.

(This is unfair for me because i am leaving office @ can i catch those ??)

But wait a moment, AC Bus is our true friend leaving Noida Depo (Sector -35) @ 7 pm.

In peak hours either in morning or in evening this is one of the busiest route since the traffic coming from Ghaziabad and Shahdra merging there.

Bus journey has their own experience. You cant feel that in just one time.If you are a daily passenger then you get identified easily by the conductor (After all you are the source of their income!!!) They get familiar with you and saying "Bhaiya ji, kaise ho?"

They are making jokes, commenting on various issues so that the journeylightly finished.

If we starts from Mohan Nagar then some small stoppage came like Duhaii and Guldhar. In Duhai there is a Manan Dham, a big temple devoted to various Gods. Next stop is Murad Nagar which is known for its Ordnance Factory. After a few km Modi Nagar starts where the Modi Sugar Mill and famous Modi Mandir situated. Then after crossing Partapur Bypass Meerut region starts.

You are luckier if there is no traffic-jam but if you are not then prepare from 30min to 1 hour wasted in sitting in the bus. In that situation you can find that people wants tocross the road first whatever way they find. Doesnt matter others suffered a lot due to their action. Traffic from one side overlaps the both side and the other side traffic entering the sameway. Result is none find the way and the drivers looking to each other.

This is the way people behave on roads if there is no traffic police. People wants to instruct by someone so that they follow the rules. Otherwise they follow their own rules.

Australian Disaster

From the past few days we all are hearing about the racial attacks on Indian Students.
Actually they are not happened first time but its just because they get advertised widely this time.
We treat Guests as God and but cant expect same through Kangaroo's. They already shown that in India-Aus cricket matches and now as a general part of there life. So dont expect that they changed their way of treating Indians.
More than 1-dozen indians are assaulted till now and our honourable PM is just making a statementand completed their work!!!!
Actually Central Government has a tradition that they remain passive in these kind of affairs and expect that the local government acts on their behalf for our peoples.
In past years whether it happened in Indonesia with Indian Techies or in Netherland or recently in France.They all are the cases of discrimination but our governmant fails to handle that so the message gone to others that Indian Government is dumb.
Today Aussie's PM statement came about the law and order when some Indians replied to locals in the same bullying manner. He is where when Indians are targeted but when their just one person attacked by Indians then he reminds the country about Law and Order :)
One more thing now Aussie Police also accepting that the attacks are of racial nature whichis controversial from their past statement.
The whole thing is that when a country not interested in their natives welfare then why we expectthat others behaved as our well-wisher!!!!
We are boasting as a Nuclear Power ....but nobody afraid even Bangladesh showing eyes to us.
Should we expect that this time Mr. Manmohan Singh acts as a well wisher of those Indian Students? Afterall they are making blockbuster in Elections.
One reason why our leaders are not aggresive is that they all are aged. They dont know how to use power but if they still don't learned some lesson from these affairs then these kind of things continuosly happened in near future.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Footpath Girl

footpath is just a part of our life.
But for someone its a life...a whole life which starts from footpath and ends on footpath
and if thatone is a handicapped then its the worst God can do with someone.
I saw a little girl around 6/7 years old who's one leg is disabled...
She's begging in a market where the persons belonging to a civilized society came to enjoy.
There are restaurants, malls, various stalls of food-items and lot of otherstuff to be enjoyed as a part of weekend.Peoples are spending a valuable part of their money.
But that girl wants just a coin of one or two rupee nothing more in
comparison to the investment made in Pizza's or Burgers or some other
Some gave money, some's arn't, some are more kind and give her their used items.
Even its all depend upon the kindness of that person which is begged by her.
If she perceived someone kind in most cases these are girls or ladies
with childrens then she spent a more time there but not everyone having
coins - Her bad luck :(
As the night's darkness increased she is going to her tent with the food
she bought by the money she got that night.
Atleast she can survive on that night.
Actually i guess that she prays to GOD that everyday is a weekend so that a lot of peoples came there and the probability of her income increases.
Where's the Government who boasts to give food, home and clothes to every Indian?
What's the purpose of running Antodaya Anna Yojana(For Poorest of Poorer) ??

Thursday, February 5, 2009


I asked God to take away my habit.
God said, No.
It is not for me to take away, but for you to give it up........

I asked God to make my handicapped child whole.
God said, No.
His spirit is whole, his body is only temporary........

I asked God to grant me patience.
God said, No.
Patience is a byproduct of tribulations;it isn't granted, it is learned......

I asked God to give me happiness.
God said, No.
I give you blessings; Happiness is up to you.......

I asked God to spare me pain.
God said, No.
Suffering draws you apart from worldly cares and brings you closer to me.......

I asked God to make my spirit grow.
God said, No.
You must grow on your own!, but I will prune you to make you fruitful......

I asked God for all things that I might enjoy life.
God said, No.
I will give you life, so that you may enjoy all things........

I ask God to help me LOVE others, as much as He loves me.
God said.........
Ahhhh, finally you have the idea.....

May God Bless You,

"To the world you might be one person, but to one person you just might be the world"

"Even the word 'IMPOSSIBLE' says 'I M POSSIBLE' "

Monday, February 2, 2009

How To Recover Your Orkut Account

Now its interesting to know that they(Google) saying something about the Deletion procedure of an Orkut account.

But no need to wOrry :)

If you are also Lucky like me then you can retain your profile even you accidentally deleted your profile .

On 28th Jan 2008 Night i deleted my Orkut Account using settings page link which redirect me to Google Accounts Page.
On that page i enter my password for the validation of authentic user.
Then a Message displayed that my account is deleted within 24hours.

Story Begins here.....

Within few minutes i logged my Orkut account and realizing that All of my friends including my relatives, engineering friends and School Classmates lost which i find there after searching a lot of profiles!!!!
(Now this is the COST you must pay if you have only one Social Profile)

I feel frustrated and browsing my scrapbook from my First Scrap to the recent one.
It reminded me about the happiness i got when i find my Best Friends on Orkut.
I cant express those in words even NoOne Can express that in words!!!!

The scraps By Unknown Girls
-> May i know u(Ohhhh really...why they forgot that its a Public Place)
-> Who r u?????????? (multiples '?' shows the intensity they have to know about 'U')

It gives a Smile to you that what you have done in past.

My Photoalbum where i put all the babies photos (But None of ME)...they are the youngest generation of our family and its nice to start browsing after seeing those because Childrens are the form of GOD.

So i am going senti and then i logged my GMail account to search a conformation mail from Orkut that my Orkut account is going to invalid.

But Alas .....None is there

Why they have not another conformation mail as a Secondary Step to confirm the Victim that he/she is going to lost their Social Circle on Web?

(This all is going on 28th January Night)
Since now the intensity is so high to revert my decision to get my Orkut account back so i moved to GoggleGroups.

There i find OrkutHelp group.
I posted my query and they are posting the same link i posted at the top.

Actually its an automatic process and no one monitoring this event.

After browsing there i got a clue that if u logged IN/ logged OUT within 24hours of committing
the deletion process then there may be a chance (this is very very rare) that your account retains.

this is like Doobte Ko Tinke Ka Sahara.

So i am trying that on the same night and the following morning.

On 29th January night i feel a little bit confused that when i logged my Orkut account i got a Http 404:PageNotFound error which shows that WebPage is no more exists but it appears sometimes and sometimes not.

So it seems that deleting procedure is going on but due to Server's Speed it slows down that.

I performed a lot of activity on that day....adding new vedios, scrapping to my friends and browsing my communities.

In this manner i performed a high end activity and even on 30th my account is valid.

So there is a relation between the logged activity and the Deletion Of your account.

If you logged your Orkut account in the next few hours and done a lot of activities then those are stored in there Log files and it reduces the chances of invalidating your Orkut account.

Its a Loophole in Orkut Deletion Procedure.

In code form i can say that

if((LogIn && LogOut) >>>1)

Note: LogIn/LogOut activity should be performed in next 24 hours of commiting deletion.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Middle Class Girl

As 2009 begins a Shocking event of my life happened.
On 26th January night, A newly married girl is murdered in Dwarika, Delhi.
Murderer is Her husband and the guts of that Crook is that he accepts that without any sorrow.
On 12th Dec 2008 they married.
The Girls family eagerly waiting for their elderly daughter's marriage event almost a year before. Almost All relatives are invited because the First Marriage in one's family retain a special place. Parents can do anything to make that event successful afterall they just want to make their children happy and prosperous.
Even a middle class family can do anything to make that a biggest Event ...
The Happiest Moment of their loved one's.
But All that is vanished just a person's psycho ... just after 45 days of her marriage SHE is no more.
But why SHE even SHE had all the qualities of a Traditional Indian Women... SHE perfectly played the role of an Obedient daughter, helping Sister and the other social roles.
SHE got the reward of all those in the form of HER's Murder.
Why GOD gifted the man to take other's Life???
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