I wish to be a girl!!!
I want to be the part of that half world which always raised their voice against discrimination
throughout their life.
How it seems when someone arrive on this earth with a tag of "Girl" which are considered as a
second entity in this men dominated world.
What i feel when i am the most vulnerable entity, easily persuaded.
From the day one when i opened my eyes in this world
I want to feel my parents anxiety that how i compete in this world because i am a GIRL.
I want to feel my mother's love, the devotion i learned from my mom.
She gives me the more of her abilities, never ever feels me deprived but i know that
she also suffers in this world. She never say anything but the language of eyes are above all.
Only as a girl i can feel all that emotions which she wants to express but she also knows
that as the time passed i learned all those things even circumstances taught me those lessons.
I wish to be a girl!!!
As the time passed i feel to be a teenager. Whereever i go i make peoples happy but wait i also
feel that they wants to touch me (side-effect of a girl).
I have more knowledge about colors, feelings, art as of boys and always praised for my work. Mom guides me always what should i do and what i don't.
As the time passes i am growing physically ,intellectually and morally. I learned that society
expects sacrifice at every stage. Even Sacrifice is synonyms to Women.
I face verbal as well as non-verbal violence against me. Whenever i go outside of my home dozen
of staring eyes are remain with me throughout my way. I am getting habitual of all that but scared that if someone crossed their limit then what i do?
I wish to be a girl!!!
If i talk to many boys then they called me Prostitute but if they talked to multiple girls then
it's their smartness.
Since now i am growing as a young lady so my parents are worried about
my marriage. Society don't expect that a lady can survive alone in this world. So they wants
a bodyguard for a girl.
When i am child, my father acts like that, upto my marriage my younger brother guards me, after my marriage my husband guards me. If i get a son then he also guards me. So i have guards throughout my life still i am easily vulnerable at every stage of my life.
After marriage, my responsibilities increased multiple times. Now everyone wants sacrifice even
my second life started with my wedding. Everyone tells me how to do things, how to behave with
The most important lesson taught by my mother is that i should remain cheerful as everyone expects compromise by my side without raising my voice.
When i am pregnant, they wants me to drop my baby because another girl is growing inside me. I protest. Because i want to change the future. I want to change the tradition.
I want to feel all that.
I wish to be a girl!!!